International Psychoanalytic Quarterly of
The Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis
Member of the International Council of Editors of Psychoanalytic Journals
Giselle Galdi, PhD
329 East 62nd Street
New York, N.Y. 10065 • USA •
Telephone: (212) 888-1610
The American Journal of Psychoanalysis is an international psychoanalytic quarterly founded in 1941 by Karen Horney. The journal’s purpose is to be an international forum for communicating a broad range of contemporary theoretical, clinical, professional and cultural concepts of psychoanalysis and for presenting related investigations in allied fields. It is a fully peer-reviewed journal, which welcomes psychoanalytic papers from all schools of thought that address the interests and concerns of scholars and practitioners of psychoanalysis and contribute meaningfully to the understanding of human experience. The journal publishes original papers, special issues devoted to a single topic, book reviews, film reviews, reports on the activities of the Karen Horney Psychoanalytic Center, and comments.
On the PEP:
Current Issues:
Associate Editors
Etty Cohen, PhD, Benjamin Kilborne, PhD, Robert Prince, PhD
North American Editorial Board
Marilyn Charles, PhD; Mariam Cohen, MD, PhD; Semra Coskuntuna, PhD; Jack Danielian, PhD; Nicole Dintenfass, PhD; Judy Eekhoff, PhD; Michael Feld, LCSW; Judith Fox-Fliesser, MD; Henry J. Friedman, MD; Joann Gerardi, PhD; Jeffrey I. Lewis, PhD; Arthur A. Lynch, PhD; Lisa A. Mounts, LCSW; Margaret Parish, PhD; Jeffrey Rubin, MD; Jeffrey B. Rubin, PhD; Leland van den Daele, PhD; Robert Waska, PhD; Kenneth Winarick, PhD
International Editorial Board
Emanuel Berman, PhD, Israel; Antal Bókay, PhD, Hungary; Carlo Bonomi, PhD, Italy; Franco Borgogno, PhD, Italy; Luis J. Martín Cabré, Dr, Spain; Judith Dupont, MD, France; André E. Haynal, MD, Switzerland; Galina Hristeva, PhD., Germany; Judit Mészáros, PhD, Hungary; Clara Mucci, PhD., Italy; Moshe Halevi Spero, PhD, Israel; Judit Szekacs-Weisz, PhD, United Kingdom; Rami Tolmacz, PhD, Israel
Advisory Board
Salman Akhtar, MD, Marianne Horney Eckardt, MD, Bernard J. Paris, PhD, Arnold Richards, MD, Theodore I. Rubin, MD, Peter L. Rudnytsky, Ph.D.
On The Arts
Judith E. Vida, MD
Book Review Editor
Riva L. Tait, JD, PhD
Scientific Meetings Editor
Jill Zalayet, LCSW
Archives Editor
Milena Kazakov, LCSW
Founding Editor
Karen Horney, MD (1941-1952)
Past Editors
Harold Kelman, MD,
Ralph Slater, MD,
Helen A. DeRosis, MD,
Mario Rendon, MD, Douglas H. Ingram, MD
The American Journal of Psychoanalysis invites contributions from scholars and practitioners in psychoanalysis and related fields. Original work, not previously published in English or considered for publication elsewhere, must be offered for exclusive publication only. The Editor reserves the right to reject any manuscript submitted, whether on invitation or on the initiative of the writer, and to make whatever suggestions for change as deemed necessary for publication.
All submissions should be sent in both hard copy and electronic format.
Please send one hard copy to:
Giselle Galdi, Ph.D.,Editor
The American Journal of Psychoanalysis
329 East 62nd Street,
New York,
NY 10065
In addition, please prepare your submission in MS Word format and send as an email attachment to the Editor:
The author must retain one copy, as the journal cannot be responsible for manuscripts.
Maintaining patient confidentiality is the primary responsibility of all authors. When citing case material it is the author’s obligation to fully protect all identifying patient information. For guidelines see: Kantrowitz, J. L. (2004). Writing About Patients: I. Ways of Protecting Confidentiality and Analyst’s Conflicts over Choice of Method. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 52, 69-99. On PEP.
Or: Gabbard, G.O. (2000). Disguise or Consent: Problems and Recommendations concerning the Publication and Presentation of Clinical Material. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 81,1071-1086. On PEP.
Original papers (of no more than 25 pages, about 7500 words, including references) will be considered for publication and should be submitted to the Editor (see above).
All manuscripts will be blind peer-reviewed by three or more editorial board members to maintain the highest quality and to verify relevance, accuracy, and clarity of presentation. Manuscripts must be typed double-spaced on 8.5 x 11 in. bond paper with 1 in. margins on all sides of the page.
The title page should include: full names of authors; degrees; academic and professional affiliations; complete mailing address; telephone number; fax number; and the e-mail address of the author to whom proofs are to be sent.
The second page should contain the title of the paper and an Abstract of no more than 150 words, which must succinctly describe the author’s main points and the way these points will be conveyed. 4 to 6 Key Words, reflecting the main points of the Abstract, should follow.
Manuscript pages must be numbered consecutively, starting with the first page of the paper and concluding with the References.
Footnotes should be used very sparingly and not for giving references. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numbers and should be on the bottom of the relevant page.
The latest Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association should be used as a guide in preparation of all submissions. In case of uncertainty about format authors should consult articles published in the American Journal of Psychoanalysis by visiting
Book Reviews and Correspondence: The American Journal of Psychoanalysis welcomes concise reviews (up to 1200 words, including references) of current psychoanalytic books as well as relevant brief responses (up to 1200 words) to papers published in the journal. For Book Reviews and Correspondence submissions please follow the usual submission procedures.
The Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis holds the copyrights to all work published in The American Journal of Psychoanalysis. Authors of articles accepted for publication will receive the necessary forms for signature from the Editor’s office.
Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing through any medium of communication those illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. Add your acknowledgements to the typescript, preferably in the form of an “Acknowledgements” section at the end of the paper. Credit the source and copyright of photographs or figures in the accompanying captions.
Authors are fully responsible for statements made in their articles. Published articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis.
The journal’s policy is to own copyright in all contributions. Before publication, authors assign copyright to the Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis, but retain their rights to republish this material in other works written or edited by themselves, subject to full acknowledgement of the original source of publication.
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