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Revue Française de Psychanalyse


Founded in 1927 under Sigmund Freud’s patronage, the Revue Française de Psychanalyse (RFP) is the most widely read French language psychoanalytic journal. Journal of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society, edited since 1948 by the Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), the RFP’s vocation is to promote reflection and debate on contemporary themes and issues in psychoanalysis. On the basis of a preliminary presentation of a theme, solicited and unsolicited contributions are welcome. The evaluation and selection of submitted articles constitute the central part of the volume. Spontaneous, unsolicited articles may be submitted to the Research and Encounters section, which are then evaluated and selected anonymously by an international committee of readers. Since 1992, the RFP is published quarterly, with a fifth issue specifically dedicated to the reports and work of the annual French language Psychoanalytic Congress.
Articles may be read on line at

Editorial Committee

  • Editor-in-Chief: Françoise Coblence
  • Assistant Editors: Danielle Kaswin-Bonnefond, Chantal Lechartier-Atlan
  • Research and Encounters Editor: Ellen A. Sparer
  • Book Review Editor: Sabina Lambertucci Mann
  • Journal Review Editor: Denise Bouchet-Kervella

Editorial Board

Klio Bournova, Aline Cohen de Lara, Martine Girard, Jean-François Gouin, Béatrice Ithier, Vassilis Kapsambelis, Isabelle Martin Kamieniak, Pascale Navarri, Michel Picco, Benoît Servant, Hélène Suarez Labat.

International Scientific Committee

Prof. Catherine Chabert; Paris, Prof. Colette Chiland, Paris; Prof. François Gantheret; Paris, Prof. Bernard Golse; Paris, Prof. Jean Guillaumin, Lyon; Prof. Pavel Katchalov, Mosco; Prof. Otto Kernberg, New York; Prof. Julia Kristeva, Paris; Prof. Francisco Palacio Espasa, Geneva; Prof. Federico Pereira, Lisbon; Prof. Fausto Petrella, Milan; Prof. René Roussillon, Lyon; Prof. Dominique Scarfone, Montreal; Prof. Elsa Schmid-Kitsikis, Geneva; Prof. Jean-Pol Tassin, Paris; Prof. Daniel Widlocher, Paris; Prof. Paul Williams, London.
Editorial assistant : Nahil-Sarah Wehbe

Contact the RFP

Link to website ; click on publications, then on Revue Française de Psychanalyse.

RFP on-line

  • BSF (Sigmund Freud Library): Research bibliographies available at: with direct access to the digitalized version on Gallica.
  • a digitalized version of the RFP may be accessed at:çaisedepsychanalyse.htm
  • Gallica: Issues from 1927-2001 are available at Gallica’s website at the BNF (French National Library):
  • Psydoc: Since 1996, the RFP is indexed on the data base Psydoc-France of the French Psychiatric Federation, with summaries in English and French:

Submission Guidelines

Original articles written in languages other than French may be submitted to the RFP. If accepted for publication, the PUF will provide translation.

Author guidelines

Articles to be published in the Revue française de Psychanalyse must satisfy certain conditions with regard to content and form and must follow current RFP editorial norms.


  • There may be no violation of professional secrets. Psychoanalytical deontology must be respected and no defamatory statements should be in the text. A patient must not be identifiable by a third party and what is written about him, should he read the article, must be possible to elaborate with him without harm to his analysis.
  • The article must be an original publication. It may not have been published previously in another review, nor be intended for publication elsewhere.
  • Copyright laws must be respected; any quotation must be indicated by quotes with the author named, including precise and complete bibliographic citations: within the body of the text: page of the quotation with the author’s name and the year of publication; at the end of the article, a complete list of bibliographic references.
  • Quotations may not exceed 10 lines of the original author’s text. It is the author’s responsibility to get the reproduction rights for a longer quotation. Any copyright costs incurred are the author’s responsibility.

Submitting an unsolicited article to the RFP
Unsolicited articles are welcome and will be read with the utmost attention. We will make every effort to respond to an author within three months following the date of reception. In order, however, to be sent to the international reading committee, every unsolicited article must be in a word file, follow the RFP style requirements, include an abstract and key-words and be accompanied by a second anonymous version, all in accordance with the RFP editorial norms.


  • An email version of the text must be sent in a word file (.doc) or RTF, to the RFP email address: Please join the signed contract transferring copyright and reproduction rights. You may also send a printed version of the article to the editorial assistant:
    Nahil-Sarah Wehbe
    Revue française de Psychanalyse
    187 rue Saint-Jacques
    75005 Paris, France
  • The author’s name, email and postal address must appear at the end of the text followed by the bibliography.

No article will be accepted that does not include a summary and key-words, which must be present at the end of the article. They will be translated into: English, German, Italian, Spanish and of course French. If you can translate your summary into one of these languages, kindly let us know.

  • Summary: A summary of no more than 700 signs (6-8 lines) must clearly indicate the content of the article. It should be written in an indirect style: “The author presents the hypothesis …” and not “I present the hypothesis …” and written without spaces between the lines.
  • Key Words: around five. It is important to carefully choose your key words. The key words are content indicators for readers who are researching a subject, one that you have discussed, and they are markers that permit your article to be identified and consulted. It is thus not useful to indicate a concept newly developed in your article, but it is essential to note, with clearly recognizable notions, the path that would lead readers to you.

Please edit your article using the format indicated in the file “Article rfp.doc”, used by the PUF (our publishers) and will facilitate its printing. Download the file, replace, for example the text indicating “titre” (title) with your title and it will automatically be in the right style.


The average length for an article in the RFP is 14 pages, or 35,000 signs, including notes and spaces. The number of signs can be determined by looking on the tool bar for “tools” then “statistics”. The number of signs is counted automatically. Check the figure which also includes the spaces.


Bibliographic references
The editorial committee attaches great importance to each article’s presentation and its precision. Bibliographic references should not appear as notes on the bottom of the page.

Within the text, the following model should be used, indicating the author’s name, year of publication and the quoted page: (Carbonnier, 2004, p.65) or (Le Glay, LaBohec et Voisin, 2005, p.311). If the author contributed to a collection: (Ferrari, in Brisson et Fontaretta, 2006, p.138-141 and 153-154).

  • Only the edition used should be mentioned, the year of the first publication is unnecessary.
  • The dates given in the references mentioned in the body of the text are those of the French translation, the year of the publication in the original language may be mentioned in the bibliography at the end of the text.
  • If several references are mentioned, separate them with a demi-colon: (Heidegger, 1976, p.54; Husserl, 2002, pp. 97-103).

At the end of the article, a complete list of references should appear under the title Bibliography. The list must precisely correspond to the works quoted without any additions or complementary references. If two titles from the same author are used, rewrite the author’s name rather than using a dash. Follow these models:

  • For an article: Lebovici S. et Diatkine R. (1954), Etude des fantasmes chez l’enfant, RfP, t. XVIII, n° 1, pp. 108-159. (title of the review in italics is followed by the volume, the number of the volume, and the pages.)
  • For a book: Winnicott D.W. (1971), Playing and Reality, London, Tavistock. trad. fr. par C. Monod et J.-B. Pontalis, Jeu et Réalité, Paris, Gallimard, 1975, 212 p., p.85.
  • For a text taken from a collection: Faimberg H. (1993), Le télescopage des générations, in R. Kaes (dir.), Transmission de la vie psychique entre générations, Paris, Dunod, 208 p. pp.26-38.
  • Special case: Sigmund Freud references: As Freud frequently published several articles in the course of a given year, an author should distinguish quotations from more than one text in any given year with an “a”, “b”, etc. The SPP has established a bibliography of Freud’s complete works. We recommend that you refer to this bibliography in order to homogenize your Freud references.

The RFP recommends writing the names of the psychic agencies in small letters: conscious, id, ego. The abbreviations from the topical theory should be capitalized: Cs, Pcs, Ucs.

Underlining with italics must be strictly limited as italics are generally reserved for foreign words and for book and journal titles.

All quotations, indicated by quotation marks, must be verified by the author with their source and page number given.

The notes on the bottom of the page must be limited in length and number. Numbering of the notes is continuous throughout the article.

Accents on capital letters must appear.(ÉÀÊ…)