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Contemporary Psychoanalysis


Don Greif, Ph.D. and Ruth H. Livingston, Ph.D.


Contemporary Psychoanalysis, a quarterly journal for the dissemination of progressive psychoanalytic ideas, is the official journal of the William Alanson White Institute and the William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society in New York City.

Founded in 1964, Contemporary Psychoanalysis provides a unique perspective. From its inception the journal’s purpose has been to clearly communicate Interpersonal psychoanalytic views on theory, development, social issues, and practice to all who are concerned with understanding human interactions and treating emotional difficulties. The journal is dedicated to the spirit of mutual respect and inquiry, and therefore presents a wide variety of psychoanalytic ideas, including those from many schools of psychoanalysis: Object Relations, Freudian, Jungian, Lacanian, and Self Psychology, for example. The Journal also publishes empirical research about human development and unconscious processes, as well as discussions of contemporary psychodynamic approaches to culture, politics, religion, and the arts. Luminaries from the past — such as Silvano Arieti, Sandor Ferenczi, Erich Fromm, Leston Havens, Rollo May, Otto Will, and Harold Searles — as well as more contemporary authors — such as Beatrice Beebe, Jessica Benjamin, Mark Blechner, Philip Bromberg, Sandra Buechler, Darlene Ehrenberg, Carol Gilligan, Jay Greenberg, Irwin Hoffman, Otto Kernberg, Edgar Levenson, Joyce McDougall, Stephen Mitchell, Thomas Ogden, Malcolm Slavin, Donnel Stern and Robert Stolorow have all published in Contemporary.


Editor and Editorial Board members

Toni Andrews, Ph.D. Sivan Baron, Ph.D. Claire Basescu, Ph.D.
Richard Briggs, Ph.D. Phillip Blumberg, Ph.D. Margaret Crastnopol, Ph.D.
Kenneth Eisold, Ph.D. Robert Gaines, Ph.D. Anton Hart, Ph.D.
Evelyn Hartman, Ph.D. Irwin Hirsch, Ph.D. Gary Schlesinger, Ph.D.

Emeritus Editors

Mark Blechner, Ph.D.
Philip Bromberg, Ph.,D.
Jay Greenberg, Ph.D.
Donnel Stern, Ph.D.

Corresponding Editors

Malcolm Slavin, PhD

Manuscript Submission

Contemporary Psychoanalysis Editors are committed to presenting compelling and innovative ideas that address the rapidly changing world of psychoanalysis in accessible language. We seek submissions that challenge the status quo, stimulate dialogue, and will interest those within the field of psychoanalysis as well as those outside the field who wish to know more about exciting, new thinking in psychoanalysis as it applies to all contemporary culture.

Manuscripts are accepted for exclusive publication in Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Only original material, heretofore unpublished in any form and not under simultaneous review by another journal, is eligible for publication in Contemporary Psychoanalysis.

Please submit your manuscript electronically via e-mail to

Submitted articles that have passed preliminary screening for topicality and readability will undergo blind peer review. Accepted manuscripts are subject to editing. Submitted articles will not be returned.

The first page of the manuscript should contain the title and subtitle (if any) of the article; names and primary affiliations of all authors; contact information—address, phone and fax number, and email address—for each author (the first author is the one with whom the editors will communicate). To facilitate blind review, only the title page should contain this identifying information.

The second page of the manuscript should include the article title and subtitle, if any; an abstract of 100–150 words; and a list of 6 key words for use in indexing. Figures and tables must be “called out” in the text (e.g., Figure 1; Table 1). Figures must be accompanied by their captions (e.g., Fig. 1: Description of Figure. Source:). Tables must be accompanied by their titles (e.g., Table 1: Title. Source:). Figures should be contained in the text and submitted as .jpg, .pdf, or .eps electronic files and should be no more than 41/2″ wide; tables may be typed directly onto the page.

Confidentiality: It is the author’s responsibility to eliminate any information about patients that may be identifying, and obtain patients’ permission to publish, even if disguised.

Permissions: The author must obtain permission from the copyright holder for the use of any literary extract or poem used in its entirety. Permission must also be obtained for the use of scholarly extracts of more than 500 consecutive words.

Text Citations: All text citations must have corresponding reference entries. Citations that are part of the narrative should contain author’s name followed by publication date in parentheses, e.g., “Stern (1997) wrote about . . . ” Works by different authors whose citations follow the narrative should be listed in chronological, not alphabetical, order and be contained in one set of parentheses, a comma separating author’s name from date and semicolons separating each citation: e.g., “Some authors have written . . . (Mitchell, 1997; Blechner, 2001).”; works published in the same year by an author should be differentiated by a, b, c, etc. added to the publication date (e.g., Smith, 1998a, 1998b, 1998c).

References: The reference list should include only works cited in the text; all text citations must have their corresponding references. Works by a single author should be listed chronologically, the earliest entry being first. Contemporary Psychoanalysis follows the citation and reference style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association). The journal’s dictionary of authority is Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition. Please note the examples below for the format of various types of entries. Journal names should be written out in full.
Blechner, M. J. (2001). The dream frontier. Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic Press.
Bromberg, P. M. (1998). Standing in the spaces: Essays on clinical process, trauma, and dissociation. Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic Press.
Crowley, R. M. (1971). Notes on Sullivan’s approach to the science of man. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 8, pp. 64–71.
Freud, S. (1905/1953). Three essays on the theory of sexuality. Standard Edition, Vol. 7, pp. 125–245.London: Hogarth Press.
Greenacre, P. (1971). Comments on aspects of the theory of the ego. In J. B. McDevitt (Ed.), Separation individuation (pp. 69–89). New York: International Universities Press.
Mitchell, S., & Black, M. (1995). Freud and beyond: A history of modern psychoanalytic thought. New York: Basic Books.
Winnicott, D. W. (1962/1965). Ego integration in child development. In The maturational processes and the facilitating environment (pp. 56–63). New York: International Universities Press.