Since 2007 The Italian Psychoanalytic Annual presents a selection in English of the papers published during the previous year in the Rivista di Psicoanalisi, the journal of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society, which now numbers over a thousand members, including candidates, and which can look back over an almost ninety-year history.
Its aim is to make Italian psychoanalysis known beyond its linguistic boundaries and to help it to take its place on the international psychoanalytic stage, adequately representing its polyphonic nature and, in the variety of tones which characterise it, to accentuate the harmony and originality of its voice. The challenge that Rivista di Psicoanalisi has set itself is to facilitate dialogue among this plurality so as to ensure that the meeting is fruitful, within the rigours of the method.
Contemporary Italian psychoanalysis owes much to the way in which the psychoanalytic movement has developed in this country: ten Centres, each of which organises its own activities, and many of them have made a habit of setting up meetings with psychoanalysts from different countries so that their thoughts have been shared with those of the founders of the Society, thereby enhancing its cultural wealth and favouring the development of an original yet articulate presence in the Italian psychoanalytic world, a fact which goes some way to explaining its polyphonic features. The scientific activity carried out at national level, along with the time-honoured habit of communication among the various centres, made up of frequent and systematic exchanges, have over time enabled and facilitated, the harmonization of the multiplicity of voices, favouring creative integration and new modulations.
Since 2009 The Italian Psychoanalytic Annual is included on PEP (Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing), both on the Web and on DVD.
Editorial Board
Alberto Luchetti (Editor), Diomira Petrelli (Editor-in-Chief), Anna Meregnani (Annual Editor in chief), Nelly Cappelli, Eleonora Cutaia, Manuela Fraire, Celestino Genovese, Giorgio Mattana, Anna Meregnani, Tiziana Pierazzoli
English translations by: Gina Atkinson, Carol Carmody, Isabella Negri, Philip Slotkin
English translations revised by: Giuseppina Antinucci, Anna Meregnani
Editorial assistant: Giulia Vicentini
Submission guidelines
Papers published during the previous year in Rivista di Psicoanalisi are selected for The Italian Psychoanalytic Annual by the Editorial Board.