One of the world’s most respected publications in psychoanalysis, the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (JAPA) offers insightful and broad-based original articles, ground-breaking research, thoughtful plenary addresses, in-depth panel reports, perceptive commentaries, plus much more. Included in each issue is the esteemed JAPA Review of Books, which provides comprehensive reviews of and essays on recent notable literature. JAPA provides an important forum for the exchange of new ideas and highlights the contribution of psychoanalytic principles in helping to understand important social problems. The journal is an invaluable resource for psychoanalysts, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and other mental health professionals.
Bonnie E. Litowitz
Associate Editors
Anne Erreich
Richard M. Gottlieb
Stephen H. Portuges
Mitchell D. Wilson
Review of Books Editors
Rosemary Balsam
Paul Schwaber
The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association is published six times a year and is available in hard copy and online through SAGE Journals at
Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts should be submitted at
Please note that only articles submitted solely to JAPA that have not been previously published in print or electronically (in English or other languages) will be considered.
Peer Review
Manuscripts submitted to JAPA are reviewed by three or more authorities for significance, originality, and validity. Reviewers’ comments will be sent to the corresponding author. Please note that JAPA conforms to a blinded peer-review process.
Careful attention must be paid to the protection of a patient’s confidentiality in case reports and elsewhere. Identifying information such as names, initials, hospital numbers, and dates must be avoided. When discussing patients’ characteristics and personal history, authors are responsible for avoiding all identifying information.
Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
Manuscripts must conform to Journal style.
Identifying Information. All identifying information (author name(s), postal address, fax, e-mail address, phone number, as well as any acknowledgments) should be included on a separate Title page. The Title page also should include the current professional, academic, and institutional titles, positions and affiliations for all authors. The corresponding author must be clearly indicated.
Also, please make sure that the authors cannot be identified through the use of references in the text and the reference list.
Abstract. Submissions should begin with a one-paragraph abstract, not to exceed 200 words, summarizing the essential contributions of the paper.
Main Text. Submissions should not exceed 40 double-spaced pages (about 10,000 words, not including the abstract or references). Please:
- use 1½-inch margins;
- double-space all copy, including the abstract, references, footnotes, and extracts;
- number footnotes consecutively and place them at the bottom of the page of text to which they refer; please do NOT place them all at the end of the paper.
- number all manuscript pages
Artwork. All artwork, including charts, tables, figures, drawings, and photographs, is to be submitted to the publisher either as camera-ready copy or in a format that can be reproduced as a print-resolution graphical file. Final artwork in JAPA will measure no more than 4¼ inches in width and no more than 7 inches in height. The cost for any alteration in artwork will be borne by the author(s). Obtaining written permissions for material such as figures, tables, art, and extensive quotes taken directly—or adapted in minor ways—from another source is the author’s responsibility, as is payment of any fees the copyright holder may require.
References. For reference style, consult articles in JAPA published after 1996 (from volume 45 on), noting punctuation, italics, use of capitals, small caps, items of information required, and their sequence. Note particularly that inclusive page numbers are required for journal articles and chapters of books.