Anthony Bass, PhD
New York, NY
email: tony.bass@gmail.com
Hazel Ipp, PhD
Toronto, canada
email: hazeli@rogers.com
Stephen Seligman, DMH
San Francisco, CA
email: stephen.seligman@ucsf.edu
Founding Editor
Stephen A. Mitchell, PhD
Psychoanalytic Dialogues was founded on the premise that within the diverse world of psychoanalysis there had developed a set of overlapping perspectives that regarded relational configurations of self and others, real and fantasized, as the primary units of human motivation and psychodynamic explanation.
These perspectives emerged within these areas: • Interpersonal psychoanalysis;
• British object relations theories;
• Self psychology;
• The empirical traditions of infancy research and child development;
• And certain currents of contemporary Freudian thought.
This common relational model has come to provide a vitalizing framework within which clinical contributions can be situated and developed. Psychoanalytic Dialogues is dedicated to facilitating debate among theoreticians and clinicians working within this array of relational perspectives.
Psychoanalytic Dialogues is now ranked 4th out of 13 journals in Psychoanalysis (Psychology).
©2012 Thomson Reuters, 2011 Journal Citation Reports®
Manuscript Submissions
Psychoanalytic dialogues reviews all manuscript submissions electronically via the ScholarOne Manuscripts website located at: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/hpsd.
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