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Psychodynamic Psychiatry


Editor: Richard C. Friedman, MD email
Deputy Editor: Jennifer I. Downey, MD


This is to inform you of a change of editorship, name and mission of the Journal Of The American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry. On Jan 1 I took over as Editor and Jennifer I. Downey MD as Deputy Editor of the journal. The journal’s new title is “Psychodynamic Psychiatry” . Psychodynamic Psychiatry remains the official journal of The American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry. It is the only psychiatric journal entirely devoted to psychodynamic issues. The change in name and mission of the journal was partially a reaction to the imperiled position of psychodynamic psychiatry in organized psychiatry at the present time.

The mission of the journal has narrowed somewhat. Our primary interest is in clinical aspects of psychoanalytic psychology. This includes the spectrum of psychoanalytically informed treatments from brief treatments to psychoanalysis. We are also interested in the relationship between science and psychoanalysis , clinical research , all aspects of developmental bio-psycho-social interactions relevant to psychodynamics and in relationships between assessment and treatment. We seek to foster an evidence based approach to the material the journal features. The journal will not publish articles about art or literature and we leave discussions of the contributions of iconic figures in psychoanalysis to others as well. The first issue of Psychodynamic Psychiatry due this spring contains a section on Personality Disorders guest edited by Michael Stone MD. The journal continues to be published by Guilford Press. Information about publication policy and other matters can be found on the website of the Academy (google AAPDP). I would be happy to discuss the journal further with all interested parties.